Paris is the city I know better than any other on earth... probably even better than my home town. I have spent months scouring and exploring. The crazy thing about Paris is that it is almost endless- I don't think I could ever experience every beautiful cafe, or every museum or every park. I am constantly getting asked for recommendations- so here they are- more a list of the places where I hang out weekly, than a must-see-guide.

+ Candelaria- best tacos in Paris. Great little resturaunt, A few blocks from the Cirque d'Hiver in the Enfants Rouge neighborhood. They also have a super-hip bar in back. During Fashion Weeks this place is packed.
+ Le Nemours- When I want coffee and polite conversation and people-watching- this is the spot. It is right next to the Comedie Francaise and the Palais Royal. Classic Paris. Metro: Palais Royal
+ Joli Deli- The cutest sandwich shop. Moderately priced lunch. I go here all the time because it owned by family friend, and also because it is just adorable. Try their deserts. Metro: Arts et Metiers
+ Cafe de L'Industrie- my favorite resturaunt in Paris. it is legendary. Always a hip crowd. get their early (8pm) and plan to stay till 11ish. Great atmosphere. The decor is pretty much exactly how I would style my own home or parisian apartment. the food is inexpensive but classic. they have two locations across the street from one another. Metro: Bastille.
+ L'Imprevu- my favorite hideaway in Paris. It is on Quincampoix- a little alley near the centre Pompidou. Best chai in Paris. very bohemian. dark and cozy. This is my go-to spot in inclimate weather. whenever I need to meet up with someone who does not know Paris very well- I have them meet me at the nearby Stravinsky fountain (centre pompidou) and then walk over here. The kids who work here are always in a good mood, so I can bring american friends to practice their manners.
+ Lunch Spots- One of the best things about Paris is that it is perfectly acceptable to sit on the steps of a church or on a park bench and eat your lunch. Do so. Enjoy the weather and the fact that the person setting next to you could be a countess, or a street sweeper. In Paris they use the same benches.
+ The Markets- really there are fresh food markets all over the city, every day of the week. find one. bask in the colors and sounds and diversity. my favorite are Bastille, Edgar Quinet, Maubert Mutualite, and Place des Fetes. Check online for days and schedules. also here is a handy guide.
+ The Markets- really there are fresh food markets all over the city, every day of the week. find one. bask in the colors and sounds and diversity. my favorite are Bastille, Edgar Quinet, Maubert Mutualite, and Place des Fetes. Check online for days and schedules. also here is a handy guide.
+ St. Thomas D'Aquin- my favorite church in Paris. Quite, beautiful. It is a church you can actually sit and pray in. very peaceful. Great Art. just off the Rue du Bac and the BLVD. St. Germain.
+ Musee Du Art Modern du Ville de Paris- great art museum. rarely crowded. very few tourists. wonderful collections. Housed in the Palais du Tokyo. Metro: Pont D'Alma
+ The American Church in Paris- All of their services are in English. They also have a contemporary service at 1:30 on Sundays and pizza nights for young adults. When you move to Paris and want to make friends- this is the place to start. instant community of people from all over the world under 30.
+ La Flèche D'Or- Former metro station turned indie club… sometimes they have free concerts. This is the spot to hear everything from bluegrass to indie rock. Now and then they get acts like Cat Power and Over The Rhine.
+ Square Samuel Rousseau is my favorite little park. head there towards sunset. children playing. old people chatting. it is tranquil and divine. directly across the square from the Basilica of Sainte-Clotilde on the Rue Las Cases.
+ Puces St. Ouen- a labyrinth of flea markets- antiques, african crafts, cheap clothes. I go at least once a week. There is a moroccan family there who custom makes all of my bags. go. explore. Metro: Porte de Clingancourt.
+ Deroyle- Fantastic taxidermy shop on the Rue du Bac. check out the treasures on the second floor. This place is magical.
+ Kilo Shop- second hand clothes sold by weight. This is where the cool kids shop. Metro: Hotel De Ville
+ Merci- one of the most wonderful shops in Paris. clothing, home goods, bookstore, cafe. Beautiful and tranquil. You will not regret a trip here. Metro: Bastille.
+ Collete. If you want to hang with the fashion kids, you will check out this place. Boutique, books, cafe, art gallery. crowd in crazy clothes. I once saw Grimes perform here. Rue Saint Honore

+ Explore the Marais- great cafes and tiny streets.
+ Walk down the rue Mouffetard
+ Lounge in the Luxembourg Gardens
+ Hang out along the Canal St. Martin- there is a cool crowd and you can get
Pizza and beer delivered to wherever you are setting.
+ Hang out along the Canal St. Martin- there is a cool crowd and you can get
Pizza and beer delivered to wherever you are setting.
+ Get Lost.

Jonathan Randall Grant
Culture Keeper
I love Paris! Thanks for all the suggestions. I'll look back at this post when I hopefully get to return soon.