A few days ago I caught up with Culture Keeper regular Xack Gibson to find out more about his life and creative endeavors in California... He is constantly creating and has the most active imagination of anyone I have ever met. For a special treat he has included some custom designs just for Culture Keeper. (you can win a free print- so read on!)
Where are you these days?
Currently causing mischief in LA... LOTS OF IT.
Where have you been hanging out?
Seedy bars. My new couch. On the back of a motorcycle. Chilling with my rabbit Kelly Clarkson.
What have you been creating?
Everything. I have a million ideas these days and I get so incredibly angry that my body requires sleep. I literally have a small wall covered in post it notes of projects that must get done. Everything from music videos to branding projects for companies. I also work full time now as a graphic designer for a shoe company in manhattan beach. Currently I'm in the middle of finishing an inforgraphic, sculpting a giant monster for a music video, filming a rabbit on a motorcycle for a different music video, animating vintage indians for a project, illustrating flowers for another. If my hands could learn to keep up with my mind I would be so content. I can't stop creating this year. Can't. Won't.
And music. But thats ridiculous and private... but involves a ukulele and rap songs.
What is inspiring you at the moment?
A lot. Honestly I've been inspired by failure lately. Just a lot of failing and getting frustrated. It makes me want to fight back. To punch when I'm down. Something about having my back against the wall gives me something to push against. I'm usually at my best when I'm fighting against something.
So I guess the courage to fight back. Thats coming through I think in my work.
That and honesty. Honesty in where and who I am. Being in LA I'm surrounded by people who are constantly trying to portray an image. Its exhausting. I'm falling in love with people who can be broken and tired and sad... and still get up every morning and fight back. Theres something really beautiful about that you know?
Where are you headed next?
Unsure. I love LA. Hopefully can make this home. But I know I want to join the circus for a bit, and I want to be a fisherman for a little bit as well. My goals this year are ridiculous.
As far as my next destination for sure I'm trying to get a small party together to go to the congo and find the last dinosaur. Safety not guaranteed. See me if you are interested.
Interested in a set of these prints? Xack has graciously given us a set for exactly that purpose... so here is the deal: tweet and pin this article and/or an image from this article. Be the first one to E-mail us with the links at grant.of.mishawaka@gmail.com and a set of these the prints are yours. :) be sure to include a shipping address in the e-mail so Xack knows where to send them. Good Luck! We would also love to hear what you are creating at the moment... so comment below or shoot us an e-mail. Keep Creating, Friends!
Jonathan Randall Grant
Xack Gibson
Culture Keeper
This would have been posted on my wall even if there was no option of owning some of Xack's work. so nice to see what he's been doing. I love watching his evolution. https://www.facebook.com/tc.grant (did I win?)