The Zoo Payne

Monday, August 27, 2012

I R E A L I Z E D  a long time ago that I would never thrive on a farm for any serious length of time. I adore farms, I love hard, dirty work and I like animals- but- I just can't handle it all the time. These days I have been living vicariously through my friends, many of whom have their own farms. On days when I cannot visit them, I catch up on this adorable blog...

Zoo Payne is the farm/blog belonging to Mr. and Mrs. Payne and their two daughters. The Paynes are currently living their dream on a farm in Norway, punctuated by various adventures around Europe. 

Here is a brief look at their pastoral world...

Be sure to check out The Zoo Payne blog. Its like a charming day in the country. 

Jonathan Randall Grant
Culture Keeper


  1. This is so nice. I love your photographs!


  2. Hi!
    Thank you so much for those words, I am flattered!
    Don't know how you found the blog, but happy that you are reading and that you enjoy it.
    Thanks again for recommending it!
    Love, Maria/Mrs. Payne :)

    1. :) I stumbled across it while helping a friend google search farm pics for a project. Thanks for sharing your beautiful world with us!


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