Susanna Frusti Spring Style

Monday, April 2, 2012

Susanna Frusti is a sprightly little creature with a quick laugh and explosive energy. The other day I had a friend's camera and an hour to spare before dinner so I met up with Frusti, we raided her wardrobe and did a brief shoot.

Susanna discusses her style and the shoot:

"This was such a fun photo shoot. The way we grabbed dresses from my closet is often how I choose what to wear. Even if I have a plan, by the time I have something on, it most likely has changed. It's often what feels right and most comfortable for the day or half way through the day I may change as I quickly did at the top of the parking garage."

Photography and Styling- Jonathan Grant


  1. Why didn't she wear Chacos? Just kidding. Great job, guys! Tim

  2. And I like the last picture the best!

  3. I love the second one. Actually all of them. She is a great model, too.


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