Today I had a Closet styling appointment with my friend Mary.
Mary is this gorgeous Italian woman with impeccable style. Everything about her home is muted, comfortable and perfectly tailored. We went through her summer clothes and helped define her style- what she buys and how she wants to look. We sorted out a lot of clothes that she does not like and has never actually worn. Mary- like almost everyone is caught between several styles- she knows the direction she wants to head, but has trouble purchasing in that direction. I do the same thing- the clothes I like buying are not the clothes I like wearing. Mary decided that while she loves buying peasant tops and boxy cut shirts- she adores a more tailored look- and only actually wears pieces with a more modern structured fit. She wants her look to be classic and precise.
Mary’s homework:
+Build an inspiration board for her closet- to give ideas and provide images to inform her future purchases.
+ Give away, donate, and re-sell the garments that did not make the cut.
+ Do research while on her upcoming Vegas trip of brands that fit her style and will be better investments for the long-run
Next time we are going to play dress up with some of the pieces she liked but was a little unsure of- creating outfits and finding inspiration.
I NEED YOU TO COME TO MY CLOSET!!!!! Your fashion advise is very much needed. <3