Tracy has the cutest style- brave, bold patterns, nineteen-sixties shapes and colors- altogether adorable. It was my great pleasure to give her a closet consultation this week-for which she was already organized and ready to go. Tracy has recently discovered great fashion confidence- allowing her to turn down pieces that don’t suit her style. I think that is a key to good style- knowing what does not work for you. Tracy had a few pieces she did not know what to do with, so we played a bit- experimenting with different color combinations, styles and silhouettes. In the end we did not eliminate much from her wardrobe. Tracy is also honing her style to be bright, bold, and timeless. We talked about a few pieces she would do well to add. She could use a few more pencil skirts, perhaps a camel-colored suit and was definitely in need of some slim-fitting dress trousers. Tracy has the cutest dog- Mickey- who spent most of the evening hanging out with us as well.
Tracy’s homework:
- Continue to hone style- so that future purchases are more versatile and timeless
- EBay or consign the pieces that are just not going to work
- Fill in the gaps in her wardrobe- continuing to focus on versatility
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